A Group of People


We are a collection of various people living in different places and experiencing life through different eyes. Yet, we do have a common thread. Perhaps as you begin to read our posts, you will begin to experience that which binds us together.

Over time, our page will offer posts about life through these different eyes. From discussions about life, faith, culture, cause, entertainment, food, sports, or whatever… we are a simple community living in a complex world.

We invite you to check back often and join us on the journey. We invite you also to engage the dialogue by posting a comment or sharing our posts within your community.

We also invite you to check out our cause page and get engaged with those who are making a difference in our world. Be also be looking for guest blogs from some of these folks who are running these organizations.

In this, we simply don’t want to be a community that just talks… but one too… that acts.

You can also follow us on Twitter for more casual, silly, random, and thought provoking glimpses of who we are, but in 140 characters or less, of course.

Contact us by sending an email to Gunnar at: gunsim@msn.com

Thanks for stopping by.

To know, read, follow or writers…

To follow Lori Lenz on Twitter: @lorilenz
To follow Liz Dugger on Twitter: @lizdugger
To follow Ezra Stanton on Twitter: @ezrastanton
To follow Brian Doell on Twitter: @briandoell
To follow Paula Gamble on Twitter: @mysoulrefresh
To follow John Bergquist on Twitter: @johnflurry
To follow Matt Fier on Twitter: @mattfier
To follow Gunnar Simonsen on Twitter: @gunnarsimonsen